Horse Racing
As sure as horses gallop, horse racing is there

The ancient sport of horse racing dates back to about 4500 BC from the nomadic tribesmen of Central Asia, who were the first to domesticate horses. Since that time, horse racing has grown in scope and popularity, to the point of even being referred to as the “sport of kings”. The basic concept of horse racing hasn’t undergone any major changes over the ages. What started out as a pure contest of speed and stamina is still that. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, after all. What little changes it has undergone in terms of the mechanic, however, is greatly overshadowed by how much the sport has grown in scope.
Horse racing has evolved from a straight up competition to a leisurely pastime of the upper class, to finally the huge public entertainment industry it is today. With the advancement of the times, technological innovations have also seeped their way into the horse racing industry’s crevices. Nowadays you could find packed stadiums with various state-of-the-art electronic monitoring devices when you go to see a horse racing event.
Betting opportunities born from competition
The rise of the grand industry of horse racing naturally brought with it a surge of gambling opportunities for every race. For those who want the excitement that comes from odds, risks, and rewards, there are essentially two ways to bet on horse races that would surely fit your preference.
Traditional, In-house Betting
This type of betting involves getting people to come in actual horse racing arenas or parks, place their bets there and then watch as their picks compete. The process starts out by betting on the horse you think will win. A ticket will then be generated for you containing the details of your bet for that round. If your bet wins, then you exchange the ticket for your prize; if you lose, then just rip your ticket in half and bet again.
While several people might opt to subscribe to the more convenient online platform of betting on horse races, there are those who go to actual races for the energy and adrenaline a stadium crowd brings. Gambling in a casino and gambling on a horse race are very different experiences. For one, horse racing is conducted outdoors so it feels more like of a special event or trip as opposed to the dark, smoky, and cramped interiors of a casino.
Online Betting
As with the case in other popular betting games, horse racing has also expanded into the online world like famous casinos. This comes with a host of quality-of-life improvements for those who want to try out betting on horse races in a more accessible manner. This also appeals to betting veterans who simply want to focus on betting without the noise and distractions an arena brings.
What kind of bets can I make?
Horse race bets generally come in two categories: a straight and an exotic wager. Beginners might want to stick with straight betting first before indulging in exotic ones because they are simple, straightforward, and cheap to boot. In a straight bet, you simply choose a horse which would come in first, second, or third. Exotic wagers let you make multiple bets on multiple horses in a single round. They are more difficult to win than straight wagers, but their rewards are considerably greater.

Straight Wager cheat sheet
The only thing to remember in straight betting is that you are betting on only one horse. Commit this information to memory as we run through the different kinds of straight bets you can make.
Win – It means that you are betting on your horse to take first place.
Place – A place bet means that you are betting that your horse comes in the first or second spot. The winnings from a place bet are naturally less than that of a win bet- but the odds are quite safer as your horse has an allowance of two spots for you to win.
Show – Show bets mean that you are wagering that your horse will come first, second, or third. This has a higher chance of winning, but the rewards are also substantially less than that of a win bet.
Across the board – This time you are betting that your horse will win, place, and show. As it is three bets in one, you need to cough up three times as much as you would in a win, place or show. This is balanced by plenty of opportunities to win. If your horse comes in first, then you get to collect winnings for the win, place, and show bets. If your horse comes second, you win for the place and show- and so on.
Win/Place & Place/Show – Similar to betting across the board, these are also multiple bets in a single round. Rather than three bets, however, you only get to choose to bets of your preference here.
As sure as horses gallop, horse racing is there
The ancient sport of horse racing dates back to about 4500 BC from the nomadic tribesmen of Central Asia, who were the first to domesticate horses. Since that time, horse racing has grown in scope and popularity, to the point of even being referred to as the “sport of kings”. The basic concept of horse racing hasn’t undergone any major changes over the ages. What started out as a pure contest of speed and stamina is still that. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, after all.
What little change it has undergone in terms of the